How are you? (Como você está?)
Today I want to post about the jobs. In this way I will teach to you apropos the nouns: an important word class in any idiom.
The Portuguese language may have different words for each gender: the uniform nouns don't have gender and biform nouns do have it (so there are 2 nouns: a male noun and a female noun). In the last case, often the letter "o" is used to male nouns and the letter "a" is used to female nouns (this "rule" is valid to adjectives too). But there are exceptions, for example: sometimes you can just use the letter "a" to show the female gender (the male nouns often will be terminated with letters "or").
a) Examples of biform nouns:
* when the rule "o"/"a" is applicable:
menino (boy) and menina (girl);
aluno (male student) and aluna (female student);
namorado (boyfriend) and namorada (girlfriend);
esposo (husband) and esposa (wife);
* when you can add only the letter "a" to male word (or+a):
professor (male teacher) and professora (female teacher);
apresentador (male presenter) and apresentadora (female presenter);
jogador (male player) and jogadora (female player);
* when the rule "o"/"a" is NOT applicable:
homem (man) and mulher (woman);
leão (male lion) and leoa (female lion);
patrão (male boss) and patroa (female boss);
boi (ox) and vaca (cow);
b) Examples of uniform nouns (there are not genders --> SOMETIMES, the gender is indicated by determiner "o"/"um" ou "a"/"uma"):
lápis (pencil);
caneta (pen);
caderno (notebook: "a book of plain paper or paper with lines, for writing on");
mesa (table);
cadeira (chair);
cozinha (kitchen);
P.S: There are exceptions and you only will learn their with practice. However, this "rules" are very useful!
Thanks Cambridge Dictionaries Online for some English definitions!
2) ADVOGADO ou ADVOGADA = a person who gives advice to you about the law and speaks for you in court.
3) AGRICULTOR ou AGRICULTORA = a person whose job is to plant vegetables/greens and to cultivate the land.
4) ARQUITETO ou ARQUITETA = a person whose job is to design new buildings and make certain that they are built correctly.
5) ATOR ou ATRIZ = someone who pretends to be someone else while performing in a film, play, or television or radio programme.
6) BOMBEIRO ou BOMBEIRA = a person whose job is to stop unwanted fires from burning.
7) CIENTISTA (uniform noun) = an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences.
8) COMERCIANTE (uniform noun) = a person who has a commerce and make money with it.
9) COSTUREIRO ou COSTUREIRA = a person whose job is to sew, make, repair and adjust clothes.
10) COZINHEIRO ou COZINHEIRA = a person whose job is to cook foods.
11) DANÇARINO ou DANÇARINA = a person whose job is to dance.
12) DENTISTA (uniform noun) = a person whose job is treating people's teeth and oral cavity.
13) DETETIVE (uniform noun) = someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them.
14) ECONOMISTA (uniform noun) = a person who studies or has a special knowledge of economics.
15) ENFERMEIRO ou ENFERMEIRA = a person whose job is to care for people who are ill or injured, especially in a hospital. As reported by Wikipedia, this person to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.
16) ENGENHEIRO ou ENGENHEIRA = a person whose job is to design or build machines, engines, or electrical equipment, or things such as roads, railways, or bridges, using scientific principles.
17) ESCRITOR ou ESCRITORA = a person whose job is to write stories, articles, tales, books etc.
18) ESTUDANTE (uniform noun) = a person who studies in school, college or university. (Is it a job? In Brazil the people say so.)
19) FARMACÊUTICO ou FARMACÊUTICA = a person who is trained to prepare and give out medicines in a hospital or shop. This person makes medicines in Pharmaceutical industry too.
20) FISIOTERAPEUTA (uniform noun) = a person whose job is to remediate the impairments and disabilities and to promote the mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential through examination, evaluation, diagnosis and physical intervention (therapy using mechanical force and movement).
21) GARÇOM ou GARÇONETE = a person whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant.
22) JORNALISTA (uniform noun) = a person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television.
23) MÉDICO ou MÉDICA = As reported by Wikipedia, it is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. They may focus their practice on certain disease categories, types of patients, or methods of treatment – known as specialist medical practitioners – or assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individuals, families, and communities – known as general practitioners.
24) POLICIAL (uniform noun) = a person who is responsible for protecting people and property, making people obey the law, finding out about and solving crime, and catching people who have committed a crime.
25) PROFESSOR ou PROFESSORA = a person whose job is to teach students and usually works at school.
26) PSICÓLOGO ou PSICÓLOGA = someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behaviour, and how different situations have an effect on people.
27) REPÓRTER (uniform noun) = a person whose job is to discover information about news events and describe them for a newspaper or magazine or for radio or television.
28) SUPERVISOR ou SUPERVISORA = a person whose job is to supervise someone or something.
29) VENDEDOR ou VENDEDORA = a person whose job is to sell things and products and usually works at shop.
30) VETERINÁRIO ou VETERINÁRIA = a person whose job is to prevent, diagnose and cure disease, disorder and injury in animals.
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Write in Portuguese the names of following workers:
Escreva em português o nome dos seguintes profissionais:
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A) |
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B) |
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C) |
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D) |
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