quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2015

"Falsos amigos" parte I (False friends)

False friends are words with similar writing but they have different meanings between two languages. This is the reason for people wrongly have used them: they think had chosen a word meaning a thing but actually the word chosen has a different meaning.

These words are called like 'false friends' because they apparently are friends (easy to use; obvious meaning), but in true they aren't. Read more about it here: False friend - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A false friend word is like this picture: it seems a thing but actually it's another one.

Frequently I make this mistake... But with my errors I learn the correct use, and you will learn this way too.
Let's learn about some 'false friends'?

PS: in Brasil wrongly is usual to call false friends like false cognates, but it is not right!

Do you remember about the verbs "existir" and "haver" in the past tense? You can remember this lesson here: Verbos existir e haver no passado.


(n) = noun = substantivo
(adj) = adjective = adjetivo
(adv) = adverb = advérbio
(v) = verb = verbo


to push (English) = empurrar
puxar (Português) = to pull 


1) Preencha as lacunas abaixo:


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