sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2015

Adjetivos III: dezessete características (Adjectives III: seventeen characteristics)

Let's learn more about adjectives!
The definitions were obtained from "Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus":


1) adormecido: sleeping or not awake.

2) agradecido: pleased or grateful for something.

3) animado: full of interest and energy.

4) ansioso: worried and anxious.

5) cansado: in need of rest or sleep.

6) confiante: having confidence (the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future).

7) contente: feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction.

8) decepcionado: unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen.

9) enojado:  feeling extreme dislike or disapproval of something.

10) entediado: feeling unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do.

11) interessado: wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it.

12) irritado / zangado: having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them.

13) perdido:  (1) not knowing where you are and how to get to a place;          (2) not confident and not knowing what to do in a particular situation;

14) pessimista: thinking that bad things are more likely to happen or emphasizing the bad part of a situation.

15) preocupado: unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen.

16) sortudo: having good things happen to you by chance.

17) surpreso: feeling or showing surprise because something has happened that you did not expect.

a) Ele está decepcionado com você.
b) Ela é sortuda: ganhou na loteria.
c) Eu estou contente.
d) Maria está enojada com as atitudes do garoto.
e) Você está cansado de esperar por mudanças.
f) Elas estão animadas com a faculdade.


Preencha as lacunas:


ganhar: to win (verb)
loteria: lottery
atitudes: behaviours / conducts
esperar: to wait (verb)
mudanças: changes
faculdade: college

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