sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2015

Substantivos V: Frutas (Nouns V: Fruits)

Do you like fruits?

Fruits are very good for our health because they have vitamins and a lot of water (like a watermelon, for example). Moreover, it has known their help for defecation due to fibres, which are not completely digested in our body (but some bacteria in our bowels are able to ferment them a bit).

Fruits usually have a very good smell and esters are responsable for it. Also some fruits have an acid taste, especially those which have vitamin c - like the orange, lemon, etc. This vitamin is the Citric Acid what is responsible for this taste.

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Frutas podem ser utilizadas em bebidas. Exemplos:

- vitamina: frutas e leite batidos no liquidificador.
Um copo de vitamina.

- laranjada: suco natural de laranja.

Um copo de laranjada.
- limonada: suco natural de limão.
Um copo de limonada.


Tente descobrir o nome desta sobremesa:


leite: milk
liquidificador: blender
bebidas: drinks
suco: juice
copo: glass
sobremesa: dessert

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